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Around the world
Japan South America Africa Russia and Europe Others Non-Bead
Japanese bead manufacturer
- Atelier Kannon Side Gil
Jewelry with glass beads, semi-precious stones and crystals.
- Atelier Nimu Nimu
Beadwork, needlework, doll-making and antique. Nimu Nimu teaches class and published several bead/craft books in Japan.
- Atelier Spray
Loved her mandala-type pendant.
- Atelier Suzuran
One of the best Bead sites in Japan is now available in English. Especially, the big book list must be helpful for someone interested in Japanese beadwork.
- Baily's beads
Original beaded jewelry from Kobe.
- beading bees
Another good site to get information of Japanese beadwork in English.
- Beaded Beads
A group of women show off their beaded jewelry. in English.
- Beads Gallery Sweet Peas
Chica Terai's work was introduced on B&B April 2000 issue. Free pattern, instruction. in English.
- Beads Jewelry Usagi
Beautiful bead tatting.
- Beads Ring Collection
Use frame and click on individual ring's photo. Then click on "how to make" button on upper right. You can get to illustrated direction.
- Bead Tree
Wire and off-loom work, inluding fabulous 3-D pieces. A beautiful brick stitch earring pattern on "class" page.
- Futur
Bead tatting.
- Girafe de Jeuillet
Use the frame on left side. Chikako Miki has published several bead books.
- Hobby House
Go "What's New" page for her Delica work.
- Medaka
Akiko Ishida's beautiful loomed beadbags. Her book, BEADSBAG has been available in the states.
- Nagatsuki
Good expamle of recent Japanese beadwork trend in English.
- SeeZoo BeeZoo
Finally, a talented male beader's site. Check out "backstage" page for a wonderful tutorial of 2-needle hexagon stitch, which is in Japanese but diagrams are very clear.
- Shiho Bead Accesory Salon
Shino's jewelry was exhibited in Paris pret-a-porter show. Check outher gorgeous creation with Swarovski and Czech cut beads.
- Stardust Beads
Dainty jewelry sparkling like little stars.
- Takako Sako Institute of Art Beads
Well-known in the state too as a loom teacher, Takako Sako's page. Go to English site.
Professional bead embroidery artist, Keiji Tagawa.
- Tomato's Homepage
Famous for fantastic bead flower. Tomato offers a couple of tutorial in English.
- World of UTA-OHNO
Famous Japanese bead artist, Uta Oho's page.
- Miyuki
Delica manufacturer, Miyuki's page. Available only in Japanese.
- Toho Wonderland
Beads manufacturer, Toho's page in English.
Dynamite brand's manufacturer, in English.
- Hiro Bead
Hiro Bead. Most of contents are in Japanese.
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- Atelier Yasu
Professional lampwork artist, Yasuo Horiuti's page in English. Lots of photos of his marvelous "Tonbo-dama" (eye beads).
- Fanky Monkey
Handmade glass beads. Beautifully designed page.
- Glass Studio Bead
Not to mention handmade beads, teardrop-shaped pendants are neat.
- Glass Kobo Hand
Lampwork beads. Lots of photos.
- Gure's Homepage
Glass artist, Norikazu Kogure's planning to put English page up. Amazing lampwork beads and coreglass works. Graphic intensive.
South America
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- Adornarte Brazilian ? site. Elegant, contemporary beaded jewelry.
- El Centro de la Rosa Huichol Bead art
- Dance of Deer Fundation Another Huichol site
- The Huichol of Mexico Again, Huichol site
- Historical Museum of Southern Florida
Online exhibition; Afro-Cuban Orisha Arts in Miami, Beadwork
- Huichol Art Huichol art
- Saraguro:arts and crafts Indigenous Andean people, the Saraguros' beadwork and other craft.
- Red Horse Ranch Selling carved Tagua nut beads made by Wounaan and Embera people of Panama.
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- African Beadwork Beadwork online catalog.
- Beads for Africa
- beads of africa History of African glass bead
- Filizana Ndebele beadwork
- Zulu BeadWork Home Page History and meaning of Zulu beadwork
- Maasai and Agents of Change Introducing Maasai culture, incuding beaded clothes and ornament.
- ANKARS (Natalia Cherkasova)
- Ann's home
- Beads
- bead club
- Rina Stepnaya's ANKARS
- Tatiana Sharapova
- Another wonderful Russian beadwork gallery
- Le Gioie di Giulia Italian
- La pagina di Maria Grazia Italian
- Bea Bijoux
Beaded jewelry, French text.
- Bijoux Boheme in English.
- La Galerie French/English
- Les loisirs d'Aline
patterns, French text.
- Les Perles de Rocaille, D'Anne et Flo
Beaded wire animal, flower, miature with instruction, in French.
- Merveilles en Perles
Jewelry, animal, flower, French text.
- Perle-de-rocaille (marie-cecile) Beaded Jewelry
- Perles de Rocaille avec Marilyne Beaded wire animals
- Rocailles magiques
off-loom works, French text.
- Vanessa
- Alexis' Beads/Perlen
(mainly) netting instructions in English text
- Carmen's Homepage English text
- Glasperlen-Hobby German beader group's page.
- Holles Perlenarbeiten
off-loom works, English text
- Perlenschmuck selbstgemacht
- Perlensterne
Star patterns, in German.
- Perlenzeit(Peal Time) Off-loom jewelry, cute Christmas ornaments and more. English text.
- Theresa's Perlentierstartseite Lots of pretty beaded wire animals.
- The Beadworkers Guild
- Morticia's Magical Bead Tour
- Millas Hemsida
Swedish. Jewellry, dolls, and beaded flowers.
- BeAdorable
Swedish site available in English
- Beadmadness
Off-loom work from Finland.
- Bead Heaven Australian.
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- Chinese Minority Textiles:
- Corning Musem of Glass
- Dale Chihuly
- Husfliden - Norwegian Bunads
Norwegian traditional clothes
- Paper Toy
- The Site Shara, The Forum for the Kalasha and Chitrali people
Kalasha people live in Hindukush, northern border of Pakistan. They are said to be far descendants of Alexsander, the Great. Kalesha women's outfit is very unique and beautiful with a long necklace wrapped many times around neck, and headdress decorated with plenty of cowrie shells. You can see that in Photo Album page. I happened to see them in Japanese T.V. program while ago and was very intrigued by their culture.
- Visit to the Kalash in Birir valley
Dutch. Many photos of Kalasha women in traditional dress.
- Whim Bear
Handmade teddy bear. Not only bears but her other animals are wonderful, too!
- Zanbaka
Tribal Belly Dance page.
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