Spring Flower Necklace Instruction
- 11/0 beads: 2-3 colors for flower, 1 for leaves.
- size D Nymo
- size 12 sharp needle
- a set of clasp
fig.1 fig.2
Here, I show the way to replace a leaf with a daisy flower. Apply this in your work as you like. In my Spring flower, I attached one daisy after every two leaves on each side of vine.
- After coming out of "stem" part (shown by brown beads in fig.1), make a daisy of daisy chain.
- Go through a part of "petals" (shown by red beads), and come out from the first bead of the daisy.
- Following to Napal chain instruction, make one leaf. Instead of going through one bead on a leaf in normal Napale chain, go through one of bead in the daisy. (fig.2) Keep adding leaves and flowers.
Go to another variation: Napal chain plus beaded cube Back to free pattern main
Copyright 2000 Mariko Yamamoto. All rights reserved.
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