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necklace1, 2, 3
Seafoam Necklaces
Zulu Flowerette Chain in Diane Fitzgerald's Zulu Beaded Chain. I used 3 shades of blue, matte white size 11/0 and clear 3-cut to make a cool image of sea.
Polygon Weave Necklaces
I learned this interesting stitch from Valerie Hector's article in Ornament winter '97 issue.
Petersburg Chain Necklaces
A combination of Maria Oldring's Petersburg Chain and Kathy Rice's Diamond stitch. Size 11/0 Japanese, twisted bugles, and magatama beads. .
Ndebele Necklaces's Ndebele tube instruction. It makes a very supple code which is perfect for neckpiece.
Drop Necklace
Developed from Maria Oldring's Drops Necklace instructions. Delica, 3-cuts, firepolish, and stone beads.
Bird Necklace
I found this cute bird-shaped beads at a Mexican suvenior shop, Santa Monica.