


タビは、たくさんの笑いをたくさんのノミとともに我が家に運んできました。食べることが何より好きで、よく食べ、7キロ近くまで太りました。 中でも好きだったのは、マグロやカジキのステーキ、カニカマ、チクワ、鰹節でした。


風邪もひかなければ下痢もしたことがなく、獣医さんの世話になるのは年に一度の予防注射だけという健康優良猫だったタビが、どうして悪性腫瘍などという恐ろしい病気になったのか。 これは誰にも判りません。 



Tabi brought to us lots of laughter along with lots of fleas. He loved to eat and ate a lot. His favorite were tuna, swordfish stake, and Japanese-style fish meals. He weighed 15 lbs.

Tabi was not a sweet kind of guy, rather pain in the ass most time. He broke many glasses, scratched furniture, and tried to steal my beads. Still, I loved him because he was warm at my feet every night.

Tabi's name came from a Japanese word, which can be roughly translated into a pair of white socks. He had all white paws. It also sounded alike "Tabby". I thought it was a very cool name.

Tabi was a very healthy cat. He never knew flu or diarrhea, never bothered vets besides annual vaccination. Why he should suffered from such a terrible illness like malignant tumor, no one knows.

Wherever he is now, I wish he would miss us sometimes, and know he will be always in our minds.


Tabi's Photo Album


Cat Gallery

(Cat themed things I made)

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