Horace's Lakota Chain
Horace Goodhue's Indian Bead-Weaving Patterns is absolutely great book for a beader who wants to learn a new stitch. One thing is, hardness of reading those hand-written diagrams. (I'm not complaining. The book was published way before pc and DTP stuff.) However, for a non-native English speaker like me, it takes long to get what I'm doing, as graphics of this book doesn't give me an instant idea. Followings are something I drew when I tried Lakota Chain (p. 52 of the book) in order to help my understanding. I thought this may be helpful to others, too.
Pick up pattern for a sample above and blank one.
1.Pick up 3 beads, and tie a knot. 2. Pick up 6 beads (No.4 - 9), PT No.2.
This part is different from the original Goodhue's instruction. It is easier for me this way.3. Pick up 3 beads (No. 10 - 12), PBT No.8 and7. 4. Pick up 6 beads(No.13 -18), PT again No.7 and 8. Then, pick up 3 beads(No.19 - 21), and PBT No. 17 and16. Repeat this process until you have desired length of chian.
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